
Uterine Malignant and Potentially Malignant Mesenchymal Tumours


The dataset has been developed for the pathology reporting of resection specimens of the uterus for sarcomas and mesenchymal tumours with potentially malignant behaviour. The dataset is applicable to tumours of the uterine corpus and the uterine cervix.

Carcinomas, other non-mesenchymal malignancies and metastatic neoplasms are excluded from this dataset. Carcinosarcoma is also excluded as it is considered to represent a malignant epithelial tumour with divergent mesenchymal differentiation based on clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical and molecular analysis; as such, this entity is included in the ICCR Endometrial Cancer dataset.

Publication History

This dataset was developed with the kind support of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists (ISGyP).

Minor update to the 1st edition – Version 1.1 August 2021.

1st edition – August 2021

  • To reference this dataset please use the following citation: Nucci MR, Croce S, George S, Howitt BE, Ip PPC, Lee CH, Rabban JT, Soslow R, van der Griend R, Lax SF, McCluggage WG (2021). Uterine Malignant and Potentially Malignant Mesenchymal Tumours Histopathology Reporting Guide. 1st edition. International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting; Sydney, Australia. ISBN: 978-1-922324-23-8.
  • Read more on the Uterine malignant and potentially malignant mesenchymal tumours dataset (1st edition) from the journal article written by the dataset authors: Data Set for Reporting of Uterine Malignant and Potentially Malignant Mesenchymal Tumors: Recommendations From the International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR). Nucci MR, Webster F, Croce S, George S, Howitt BE, Ip PPC, Lee CH, Rabban JT, Soslow RA, van der Griend R, Lax SF, McCluggage WG. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2022 Nov 1;41(Suppl 1):S44-S63. doi: 10.1097/PGP.0000000000000911. Epub 2022 Sep 22.

Expert Committee

The 1st edition of the dataset for Uterine malignant and potentially malignant mesenchymal tumours was developed by the following international team:

  • Chair – Marisa Nucci, USA
  • Series Champion – W Glenn McCluggage, UK
  • ICCR representative – Sigurd Lax, Austria

Domain experts:

  • Sabrina Croce, France
  • Suzanne George, USA
  • Brooke Howitt, USA
  • Philip Ip, Hong Kong SAR China
  • Cheng-han Lee, Canada
  • Joseph Rabban, USA
  • Robert Soslow, USA
  • Rachael van der Griend, New Zealand
  • Angelo Paolo Dei Tos, Italy (observer)
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