Kieran Sheahan
ICCR President & Director - Representing the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, Faculty of Pathology (RCPI FoP)
Professor Kieran Sheahan, MB, BCh, BAO, BSc, FRCPI, FFPath, FCAP, FFRCPath.
Consultant Histopathologist at St. Vincent's University Hospital (SVUH), Dublin
Clinical Professor at University College Dublin School of Medicine
Professor Kieran Sheahan MB, BCh, BAO, B.Sc, FRCPI, FFPath, FCAP, FFRCPath, is a Consultant Histopathologist at St. Vincent’s University Hospital (SVUH), Dublin, and is Full Clinical Professor at University College Dublin School of Medicine. He is also Adjuvant Professor of Pathology at Boston University Medical School. He is a Director of the Centre for Colorectal Disease, SVUH. He initiated the involvement of the Faculty of Pathology (RCPI) as a sustaining member of ICCR in 2018 and has been a Councillor and Board Director (ICCR) since. He was a lead in developing the National Histopathology Quality Improvement Programme in Ireland in 2009 which included standardisation of cancer reporting. He was on the ICCR authoring committee for the colorectal cancer and colorectal polyp cancer datasets.
He is author of over 200 original publications in peer-reviewed biomedical journals, and numerous reviews and book chapters. He is co-editor of Morson & Dawson’s Gastrointestinal Pathology (6th edition). His research interests include prognostic and predictive markers in colorectal cancer, familial colorectal cancer, in particular Lynch Syndrome, the pathology of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), and the application of molecular genetic techniques and AI in colorectal pathology.