The dataset has been developed for the reporting of biopsy and transurethral resection (TUR) specimens of the bladder, urethra, ureter and renal pelvis. If biopsies are from different locations then a separate dataset should be completed for each tumour site. The protocol applies to primary carcinomas (non-invasive and invasive), with or without associated epithelial lesions. Urothelial tumours diagnosed as papilloma or papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential are not carcinomas and this dataset does not apply to those diagnoses. The most distal portion of the penile urethra in the region of the glans penis is not included in this dataset; it is covered in the Carcinoma of the penis and distal urethra dataset. Biopsy of the kidney is dealt with in a separate dataset.
1st edition – May 2018. UNDER REVIEW