The dataset has been developed for the pathology reporting of resection specimens from paediatric patients with nephroblastoma also known as Wilms tumour, and all other renal tumours of childhood except renal cell carcinomas, for which the ICCR Invasive carcinoma of renal tubular origin dataset should be used. Rarely, other primitive tumours of childhood (including neuroblastoma, Ewing sarcoma/peripheral neuroectodermal tumour, desmoplastic small round cell tumour, among others) arise within the kidney but not within renal precursor cells; these should be staged and treated according to recommendations specific for their diagnosis. This dataset does not apply to these tumours, or to procedures involving only biopsy.
For bilateral tumours, complete a separate dataset for each kidney. For multifocal unilateral tumours, complete a single dataset.
This dataset was developed with the kind support of the International Paediatric Pathology Association (IPPA), Paediatric Pathology Society (PPS) and Society for Pediatric Pathology (SPP).
1st edition – November 2023
The 1st edition of the dataset for Paediatric renal tumours was developed by the following international team:
Domain experts: