
Successful WCEA/ICCR cervical cancer webinar
September 2024

The World Continuing Education Alliance (WCEA) and the International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR) held a joint webinar on the pathology of cervical cancer on 20 September 2024.

Speakers included Dr Kay Park (gynaecological pathologist and Chair of ICCR Carcinoma of the cervix dataset), Dr Nadeem Abu-Rustum (gynae-oncological surgeon and president-elect of the International Gynecologic Cancer Society), as well as panellist Professor Edwin Wiredu (gynaecological pathologist and author of the ICCR Carcinoma of the cervix dataset).

More than 5,000 people were registered and the live webinar was attended by 970 health professionals.

A recording of the webinar can be accessed via the WCEA platform or via this link.

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