Thank you Dr John S Srigley for your service as President of ICCR
November 2022

The International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR) thanks Dr John S Srigley for his service as ICCR President over the last 5 years.
Dr Srigley was a founding member of the ICCR and has played an integral role in the leadership, development, and strategic direction of the ICCR. His contributions as President and as a member on the Dataset Steering Committee and on multiple Dataset Authoring Committees has been instrumental to our success. We are privileged to have Dr Srigley’s continued support and guidance as he enters his new role as Executive Officer for the ICCR. The ICCR will greatly benefit from his experience and expertise in 2023 as we continue to develop internationally validated and evidence-based pathology datasets for cancer reporting for use throughout the world.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the tremendous contributions Dr Srigley has provided as President and look forward to his continued involvement in the ICCR.